What do all four of these dogz have in common other than the fact that they're dogz? They've all been ADOPTED! Yes! We're having more adoptions taking place and it is an absolutely wonderful feeling! Congratulations to all of the new owners of these lovely pooches!
Fairy's new owner made this lovely collage with her photos! She's already in love! Thank you for sharing this with us. It makes Ashley's more inspired to continue to rescue dogs because it makes us feel like we're making a difference for everyone.

Our special girl, Fairy, was just adopted! What a great little dog she is and I'm glad that somebody else was able to see that. Many were put off by her constant coloration, even in her eyes, but I found it mystifying and beautiful... and so does her new owner! Congratulations to both of them!

Here we are! We've got Christmas! Well, not really, but that's this little cutie's name. She's our first ever adoptable kitty and she's pretty special too. She's a show cat! She has a prefix and a full show name, along with a few show points, too! Go check her out in the Available Catz section!

Bandit was the first dog to be adopted since our grand re-opening! Congratulations to Bandit (who had been with us for over a year) and to his new adoptive owner!